Inside Their Stories


Lauren’s Story

Music to a youth leader’s ears… wait, its not really going to be this easy. Is it Lord?

Before reading this you should get a little context of what a youth leader’s inbox normally looks like. So here are a few text messages we are used to seeing:

“I can’t meet today, sorry.”

“I forgot I have to work sorry, can’t come.”

“Did I leave my phone charger in your car?”

“Can you pick me up and take me to [insert name of that one toxic friend I shouldn’t be handing out with]’s house?”

With all that said, here is an unsolicited text message that we would NEVER have thought we’d see:

“Hey do you have any time to get together and go over Matthew chapters 14-19 with me?”

I’m sorry…. WHAT?! I must be on meds. A student not raised in the church who has a million other things she could be doing is seeking us out to go over the Gospel! Yes Lord, refresh our souls some more!

These words were typed by 10th grader Lauren. Lauren kinda-sorta knows about Jesus. Her mother identifies as Catholic; but when Lauren was three her father died. The family was forced to move, leading them to stop attending mass. Unfortunately, this left Lauren with no real idea about religion or who Jesus is. Fast forward to her freshman year at Charter High… she begins to attend Campus Life. At our club she is challenged to think about things that have never entered her mind before.

Then she attended summer camp where she experienced deep, uninterrupted time of sharing and question asking. She experienced worship & was surrounded by believers. Upon our return from camp we got her a study Bible she liked & can understand. We teach her about the Old & New Testament and how to look up verses. Lauren becomes diligent about reading and note taking so she can meet with us to gain clarity on scripture.

Lauren is still attending Campus Life and we are blessed to continue to walk alongside this dear sweet soul.

Here’s the thing guys: there IS low hanging fruit out there. There ARE students who yearn to read God’s love letter to them. We just need to do our due diligence in seeking them out!

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